Title:Multiple barcode assessment within the Saprolegnia-Achlya clade (Saprolegniales, Oomycota, Straminipila) brings order in a neglected group of pathogens
Title:Morphology and ultrastructure of Schizaea fistulosa (Schizaeaceae) spores from Chile / Morfología y ultraestructura de las esporas de Schizaea fistulosa (Schizaeaceae) de Chile
Title:A poorly known and discussed species, Cnemidophorus leachei Peracca 1897, and general remarks on the genus Cnemidophorus in Argentina (Lacertilia, Teiidae)
Title:Morphological aspects and seasonal changes of some planktonic ciliates (Protozoa) from a temporary pond in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina / Aspectos morfológicos e mudanças sazonais de alguns ciliados (Protozoa, Ciliophora) planctônicos de uma poça temporária na província de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title:Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeografic Province that produce monolete spores and its systematic implications (I): Blotiella lindeniana, Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa
Title:Marine diatoms from Buenos Aires coastal waters (Argentina). V. species of the genus Chaetoceros / Diatomeas marinas de aguas costeras de Buenos Aires (Argentina). V. Especies del género Chaetoceros
Title:First report on the leafhopper genus Balera Young (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae, Alebrini) from Argentina, and description of a new species