Title:Temporal progression trends of cypress mortality at permanent plots in a national forest reserve of Austrocedrus chilensis (Patagonia, Argentina) / Tendencias en el desarrollo temporal del mal del ciprés en parcelas permanentes de una reserva forestal nacional de Austrocedrus chilensis (Patagonia, Argentina)
Title:Investigación sobre manejo forestal a largo plazo en Patagonia Sur - Argentina: lecciones del pasado, desafíos del presente / Long-term forest management research in South Patagonia - Argentina: Lessons from the past, challenges from the present
Title:Un índice para evaluar la calidad del hábitat en la Franja Costera Sur del Río de la Plata y su vinculación con otros indicadores ambientales / An index to assess the habitat quality in Southern Coastal Fringe of the Río de la Plata and its relations with other environmental indicators
Title:Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions that influence the deterioration and protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Title:Aprendizagem baseada em projetos e formação de professores: uma possibilidade de articulação entre as dimensões estratégica, humana e sócio-política da didática / Learning based on projects and teachers education: an articulation possibility between strategy, human and socio politics dimensions of didactic