Title:Perder la razón : Notas sobre el juicio y la identificación en la psicosis / To lose your mind. Notes on judgement and identification in psychosis
Title:Feminismos y psicoanálisis argentino: el Centro de Estudios de la Mujer : Entrevista con Mabel Burin / Feminisms and Argentinian psychoanalisis: the “Centro de Estudios de la Mujer”. Interview with Mabel Burin
Title:Autoevaluación del rol de estudiante universitario : Una experiencia áulica / Self-evaluation of the role of university student. An aulic experience
Title:Readings on psychology and social development / Innovation Diffusion Model: Some considerations from an interactive change perspective / Re-defining Development: Can Psychology help? / After 2015: Pro-poor growth after the MDG’s Forum on-line discussio
Title:Readings on psychology and social development / Innovation Diffusion Model: Some considerations from an interactive change perspective / Re-defining Development: Can Psychology help? / After 2015: Pro-poor growth after the MDG’s Forum on-line discussio
Title:Risk and protective factors associated with the experience of being a mother: A comparative study between Mexico and the United States of America / Factores de riesgo y protección asociados a la experiencia de ser madre: Un estudio comparativo entre México y los Estados Unidos