Title:Apropriaçâo da terra e formaçâo de grandes patimônios fundiários na fronteira sul do Brasil, através dos inventários post mortem (1800-1860) / Ownership of land and formation of large land estates in the southern frontier of Brazil, through the post-mortem inventories (1800-1860)
Title:Historiografía didáctica brasileña en el siglo XIX: Joaquim Manuel de Macedo y sus Lecciones / Brazilian historiography Teaching in the nineteenth century: Joaquim Manuel de Macedo and his Lectures
Title:Territorialidad mbyá-guaraní en el espacio urbano en la comunidad de Lomba do Pinheiro, Porto Alegre: una experiencia de investigación en la Tekoá Anhetenguá / Mbyá-guaraní territoriality within the urban space of the Lomba do Pinheiro community, in Porto Alegre: a research experience in Tekoá Anhetenguá