Title:On Megatherium gallardoi (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) and the Megatheriinae from the Ensenadan (lower to middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina / Sur Megatherium gallardoi (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) et les Megatheriinae de l’Ensénadéen (Pléistocène inférieur à moyen) de la région pampéenne, Argentine
Title:Ecological determinants of Tyrannus flycatcher nestling growth at northand south-temperate latitudes / Determinantes ecológicos del crecimiento del pichón de Tyrannus flycatcher en latitudes templadas del norte y del sur
Title:First description of the breeding nest of Irenomys tarsalis, a sigmodontine rodent endemic to southern Andean forests / Primera descripción del nido de Irenomys tarsalis, un roedor sigmodontino endémico de los bosques subandinos
Title:Characterization of Bacillus larvae white, the causative agent of American foulbrood of honey-bees : First record of its occurrence in Argentina / Caracterizacion de Bacillus larvae white, agente causal de la loque americana de las abejas. Primer registro en la Argentina.