Title:Diagnóstico de la aplicación del método conmunicativamente approach en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de las carreras de lenguas / Propuesta de un módulo interactivo para docentes
Title:The importance of teaching strategies in the pre, during and post in the reading comprehension skill / Design a booklet to improve the reading comprehension skill
Title:The incidence of short stories for the development of the reading comprehension / Design of a booklet with short stories to develop the reading comprehension
Title:The influence of basic reading strategies to improve reading comprehension for english learners / Design a virtual storybook with traditional stories for developing reading comprehension in students of 8th course at Canal de Jambeli Public High School
Title:Innovate vocabulary learning strategies to develop the writing skill / Design a didactic guide with meaningful vocabulary to develop the writing skill
Title:Incidence of flashcards in the reading skill as teaching aids / Didactic guide to use the flashcards and maximize the reading in the study of english language