Title:Asociación entre las teorías implícitas sobre la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la acción de problematizar / Association between the implicit theories on teaching and learning, and the act of problematizing
Title:Identificación de los estilos de aprendizaje: estudiantes universitarios de entrenamiento deportivo de jornadas diurna y nocturna / Learning Styles Recognition: Daytime and nightime sports training college students
Title:Uma experiência visando a aprendizagem significativa, a partir do conceito de geração e aproveitamento de energia elétrica / AN EXPERIENCE AIMING AT MEANINGFUL LEARNING BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF GENERATION AND UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY
Title:Influence of short stories learning in the development of reading skill in the English language / Elaboration of a short stories booklet with values.
Title:A presença do lúdico no ensino dos modelos atômicos e sua contribuição no processo de ensino aprendizagem / The presence of ludic on teaching process of atomic models and its contribution on teaching-learning process