Title:Giorgio Agamben en la brecha entre el pasado y el futuro : Reflexiones acerca de la presencia de Hannah Arendt en sus primeros escritos / Giorgio Agamben in the Gap Between Past and Future: Reflections on Hannah Arendt's Presence in his Early Works
Title:La trayectoria del zoólogo José Yepes: colecciones, viajes y zoogeografía en las décadas de 1930 y 1940 / The scientific career of the zoologist José Yepes: collections, travels and zoogeography in the decades of 1930s and 1940s
Title:Todavía hoy se puede preguntar: ¿por qué pelearon Sartre y Camus?. / Is still fashionable nowadays to to ask why Satre and Camus fought. [Spanish]
Title:Miti di Diluvio in Grecia e in Australia e la resilienza in azione - uno studio comparativo sulle risposte delle società orali alle catastrofi naturali / Flood myths in Greece and Australia and Resilience in action – a comparative study about oral-based societies answers to Natural Catastrophes