Title:Combined Raman spectroscopic and Rietveld analyses as a useful and nondestructive approach to studying flint raw materials at prehistoric archaeological sites
Title:Guillaume Jullian de la Fuente - on the fundamental idea of Le Corbusier's design / Guillaume Jullian de la Fuente - la idea fundamental del diseño de Le Corbusier
Title:Reiko Hayama, between the acts - legacies from Le Corbusier and Kunio Maekawa / Reiko Hayama, entre los actos - el legado de Le Corbusier y Kunio Maekawa
Title:André Wogenscky's early housing works (1956-70) - the relation between body, interior atmospheres, and envelope / Obras tempranas de vivienda por André Wogenscky (1956-1970) - la relación entre el cuerpo, la atmósfera interior y la envolvente