Title:A novel method of transcriptome interpretation reveals a quantitative suppressive effect on tomato immune signaling by two domains in a single pathogen effector protein
Title:Differential esterase activity in aerial and root tissues from 6as dhr wheat lines after phytohormonal treatments / Actividad diferencial de estearasas en tejidos aéreos y raíces de líneas de trigo 6as dhr luego de tratamientos fitorhormonales
Title:Development of free sugar white chocolate, suitable for diabetics, using Stevia and sucralose as sweeteners: study of the thermal degradation kinetic
Title:Paleogene Glyptodontidae Propalaehoplophorinae (Mammalia, Xenarthra) in extra-Patagonian areas / Registros paleógenos de Glyptodontidae propalaehoplophorinae (Xenarthra, cingulata) en áreas extrapatagónicas