Title:Modelo de Base de Datos de Egresados para Análisis y Fortalecimiento de las Líneas de Investigación del Proyecto Curricular de Tecnología en Topografía en el Periodo 2009-I al 2014-I / Database Model of Graduates for Analysis and Strengthening of Research Lines of the Topography Curriculum Project in the Period 2009-I to 2014-I
Title:Co-disciplinary Physics and Mathematics Research and Study Course (RSC) within three study groups: teachers-in-training, secondary school students and researchers
Title:Gestalt and Heterodoxy: a proactive applicable change in university research praxis / Gestalt y Heterodoxia: un cambio proactivo aplicable en la praxis investigativa universitaria
Title:Experts' validation of an instrument for self-perception of research skills to develop academic literacy / Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality