Title:FHA-mediated cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesions are critical for Bordetella pertussis biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and in the mouse nose and the trachea
Title:Redução catalítica seletiva de óxidos de nitrogênio sobre hematita contendo cobre / The selective catalytic reduction of no over copper-containing hematite
Title:Métodos no contaminantes para controlar la formación de biopelículas sobre superficies metálicas de interés industrial / No contaminant methods for the biofilms formation control on metallic surfaces of industrial interest
Title:Prevention and protection of the effects of biocorrosion and biofouling minimizing the environmental impact / Prevención y protección de los efectos de la biocorrosión y el biofouling con mínimo impacto ambiental