Title:A Small Body Sized Non-Aristonectine Elasmosaurid (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia with Comments on the Relationships of the Patagonian and Antarctic Elasmosaurids / Un pequeño elasmosáurido no aristonectino (sauropterygia, plesiosauria) del cretácico superior de patagonia con comentarios sobre la relación entre los elasmosáuridos de Antártida y Patagonia
Title:Ryanodine receptor phosphorylation by CaMKII promotes spontaneous Ca2+ release events in a rodent model of early stage diabetes: The arrhythmogenic substrate
Title:Differential esterase activity in aerial and root tissues from 6as dhr wheat lines after phytohormonal treatments / Actividad diferencial de estearasas en tejidos aéreos y raíces de líneas de trigo 6as dhr luego de tratamientos fitorhormonales
Title:Red-crested Cardinals use color and width as cues to reject Shiny Cowbird eggs / Paroaria coronata usa como claves la coloración y el ancho para rechazar los huevos parásitos de Molothrus bonariensis
Title:Species at Risk (SPEAR) index indicates effects of insecticides on stream invertebrate communities in soy production regions of the Argentine Pampas