Title:Correlating the Morphological Properties and Structural Organization of Monodisperse Spherical Silica Nanoparticles Grown on a Commercial Silica Surface / ChemPhysChem
Title:Generalized Pattern Search Methods for control of stable, unstable and integrating systems with unknown delay under step input / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Title:Localization of superficially buried objects by seismic-acoustic techniques / 2014 19th Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision, STSIVA 2014
Title:Promotion of research culture as engine for economic and social development: A systemic vision [Promoción de la cultura investigativa como motor de desarrollo económico y social: Una visión sistémica] / Espacios
Title:A markov random field and active contour image segmentation model for animal spots patterns / Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Title:Pervasive mobile application to assist elderly people with cognitive impairment [Aplicación móvil ubicua y pervasiva para asistir población de la tercera edad con deterioro cognitivo] / 2015 10th Colombian Computing Conference, 10CCC 2015