Title:Influence of useful expressions to develop oral expression / Design of Didactic guide of the treatment of useful expressions for the development of the oral expression
Title:Construcción del concepto de ser vivo en estudiantes de primero, segundo y cuarto grado de primaria mediante la implementación de una huerta escolar en el Centro Educativo Distrital Rural Arrayanes, en la Localidad quinta de Usme, Bogotá D.C / Construction of the concept of living being in students of first, second and fourth grade of primary school by means of the implementation of a School Orchard in the Educational District Rural Center Arrayanes, in the fifth Locality of Usme, Bogotá D.C
Title:Diseño de un sistema de control interno para la Unidad Educativa Fiscal “Cruzada Social” PCEI, cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, período 2015