Title:External drivers and internal control factors that determine the vulnerability and response capacity to drought of cattle producers in the Sierras Del Este region of Uruguay
Title:Catalase, SOD and GPx Activities in triceps brachii muscle from Aberdeen Angus steers finished on pasture, pasture and concentrate, or concentrate
Title:Intervenciones comunitarias en educación formal : una aproximación descriptiva en contextos de vulnerabilidad social / Community interventions in formal education: a descriptive approach in contexts of social vulnerability
Title:Nuevas tecnologías en educación superior. Estudio de percepción en estudiantes acerca del uso de WhatsApp y Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (Plataforma Moodle) / New technologies in higher education. Perception study among students on the use of WhatsApp and Virtual Learning Environments (Moodle Platform)