Title:Implementación de los Comportamientos Individualista, Cooperativo y Competitivo en dos Robots Móviles Tipo Lego para Fútbol Robótico / Implementation of the Behaviors Individualistic, Cooperative and Competitive in Two Mobile Robots Kind Lego for Robotic Soccer
Title:Incorporating efl pre-reading comprehension strategies: skimming and using the prior knowledge in the sixth-b graders at Nuestra Señora de Fatima Cali school
Title:Planeamento estratégico na Administração Pública : implementação de um plano estratégico na Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia, segundo a metodologia balanced scorecard
Title:The research of operation management of private elderly care institutions of Anshun city of Guizhou province of China: case study of red sunset elderly care center