Title:Management of the underwater and coastal archaeological heritage in Israel’s Seas (I) / Gestión del patrimonio arqueológico subacuático y costero en los mares de Israel (I)
Title:Ibn Dāniyāl’s shadow plays in Egypt: The character of Ṭayf al-Khayāl / El teatro de sombras chinescas de Ibn Dāniyāl en Egipto: El personaje de Ṭayf al-Ḫayāl
Title:Stereotypical Gender Images in Advertising: A Relevance-theoretic Approach / Estereotipos de género en la publicidad a través de la teoría de la relevancia
Title:Atmospheric pressure gas chromatography-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (APGC-ToF-MS) for the determination of regulated and emerging contaminants in aqueous samples after stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE)