Title:Mabdaˀ al-qaṣdiyya wa-ṭ-ṭābiˁ at-tadāwulī li-ḫiṭāb aš-Šāṭibī l-uṣūlī. Naḥw taˀwīl kullī / El principio de la intencionalidad y el carácter deliberativo del discurso sobre jurisprudencia islámica de aš-Šāṭibī. Hacia una interpretación global / The principle of the intentionality and the deliberative nature of the speech on ašŠāṭibī’s Islamic jurisprudence. About a global interpretation
Title:Taˁaddud al-maˁnà fī l-mu ˁǧam al-ˁarabī al-muˁāṣir. Dirāsa taṭbīqiyya fī l-Muˁǧam al-ˁArabī al-ˀAsāsī / Polisemia en el léxico árabe contemporáneo. Un estudio aplicado al diccionario al-Muˁǧam al-ˁArabī al-ˀAsāsī / Polysemy in the Modern Arabic Lexicon An applied study on the al-Muˁjam al-ˁArabī al-ˀAsāsī
Title:Ultrasound characteristics of experimentally induced luteinized unruptured follicles (LUF) and naturally occurring hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAF) in the mare / J. Cuervo-Arango Lecina and John R. Newcombe.
Title:Relationship between dose of cloprostenol and age of corpus luteum on the luteolytic response of early dioestrous mares: a field study / J. Cuervo-Arango and J. R. Newcombe.
Title:The effect of cloprostenol on the incidence of multiple ovulation and anovulatory hemorrhagic follicles in two mares : a case report / Juan Cuervo-Arango and John R. Newcombe.
Title:Effect of dose of cloprostenol on the interval to ovulation in the diestrous mare : a retrospective study/ J. R. Newcombe, W. Jöchle and J. Cuervo-Arango.