Title:Utilization of glucose, alanine, lactate and glycerol as lipogenic substrates by periuterine adipose tissue in situ in fed and starved rat / M. Palacín, M. A. Lasunción and E. Herrera.
Title:Metabolic response to starvation at late gestation in chronically ethanol-treated and pair-fed undernourished rats / X. Testar, M. Llobera and E. Herrera.
Title:High liver lipoprotein lipase activity in hyperlipemic developing rats from undernourished pregnant mothers / D. López Tejero, M. Lobera and E. Herrera.
Title:Comparative metabolic effects of chronic ethanol intake and undernutrition in pregnant rats and their fetuses / Xavier Testar, Miquel Llobera and E. Herrera.
Title:Pregnancy and pentobarbital anaesthesia modify hepatic synthesis of acylglycerol glycerol and glycogen from gluconeogenic precursors during fasting in rats / Antonio Zorzano and Emilio Herrera.
Title:Appearance of circulating and tissue 14C-lipids after oral 14C-tripalmitate administration in the late pregnant rat / Josep Argilés and Emilio Herrera.
Title:Role of lipoprotein lipase activity on lipoprotein lipase activity on lipoprotein metabolism and the fate of circulating triglycerides in pregnancy / E. Herrera ... [et al.].