Title:De la enseñanza de la escritura lineal a la producción textual e hipertextual transmedia, en la educación secundaria / From the teaching of linear script to transmedia textual and hypertext production, in secondary education
Title:Translation Strategies in the XXI Century / Identify some types of interpreting, also called oral translation / Chapter 8. Identify some types of interpreting, also called oral translation
Title:Translate to strengthen your English language competency / Translation Strategies for English Language Learners / 11 Chapter 1. Translate to strengthen your English Language Competency
Title:Translation Strategies in the XXI Century / Incorporate technology into the translation process / Chapter 7. Incorporate technology into the translation process
Title:Translation Strategies in the XXI Century / Write in a clear, concise and precise manner in the target language / Chapter 2. Write in a clear, concise and precise manner in the target language
Title:Translation Strategies in the XXI Century / Reinforce general competencies across the curriculum / Chapter 3. Reinforce general competencies across the curriculum
Title:Propuesta de orientaciones para la formación de estudiantes sordos en aspectos referidos a la cultura sorda, inscritos en instituciones educativas que ofrecen servicios en la básica secundaria y media / Proposal of orientations for deaf students instruction regard on aspects of deaf culture, at schools which offer educational services for deaf learners at middled and high school level