Title:Influence of basic vocabulary in the advancement of writing competence of the english language / Plan a booklet of basic vocabulary and writing exercises to promote the writing skills of the english language
Title:Influences of didactic strategies in the development of writing skill / Design of a didactic guide with didactic strategies vocabulary to develop the writing skill in students of tenth year of basic education At Manuel Pino Public High School
Title:Improving the writing skill through basic grammar structure / Design of a booklet with grammar structure exercises and activities in order to improve the writing skill in students of tenth year of basic education at Unidad Educativa Republica de Francia
Title:Impact of vocabulary in the writing skill of english language from the 8th grade students / A design of a booklet of writing activities for teachers to promote the reading comprehension in the students from the 8th grade students
Title:El artículo de opinión: Un pretexto para cualificar la argumentación escrita en estudiantes de ciclo cinco / The opinion piece: an excuse to qualify argumentative writing in students of five cycle