Title:Analysis on the international competitiveness of Tunisian palm date fruit Deglet Noor cv. and studies on the effects of physical postharvest treatments on Ectomyelois ceratoniae mortality and fruit quality / Análisis de la competitividad internacional del dátil tunecino Deglet Noor y estudio del efecto de tratamientos físicos postcosecha en la mortalidad de Ectomyelois ceratoniae y en la calidad del fruto
Title:Investigación en técnicas numéricas basadas en ecuación integral para el análisis de dispositivos de radiofrecuencia para aplicaciones espaciales / Investigations on Integral Equation techniques applied to the analysis of radiofrequency circuits for satellite applications
Title:Health-promoting compounds changes of a green fresh vegetables smoothie during shelf life / Preservation of bioactive compounds of a green vegetable smoothie using short time–high temperature mild thermal treatment
Title:UV-B and UV-C combination to enhance phenolic compounds biosynthesis in fresh-cut carrots / UV-C and hyperoxia abiotic stresses to improve healthiness of carrots: study of combined effects
Title:Enriched functional carrot smoothie with biosynthesized phenolic compounds / A functional smoothie from carrots with induced enhanced phenolic content