Title:Computational 3D model of in-vitro cell stimulated by electric and magnetic fields / Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Title:Improving the prediction of sub-cellular locations of proteins with a particle swarm optimization-based boosting strategy / Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Title:An adaptation of Pfam profiles to predict protein sub-cellular localization in Gram positive bacteria / Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Title:Tecnologia na perspectiva histórico-cultural: considerações filosóficas e educaionais para pensar a civilização tecnológica / The technology in the cultural - historical perspective: philosophical and educational considerations to think about technological civilization
Title:La innovación entre dos manos: la invisible del mercado y la visible del Estado / Innovation between two hands: The market´s invisible hand and the State´s visible hand
Title:Paisajes culturales en educación ingenieril más plurales gracias a los aportes CTS / More plural cultural landscapes of engineering education due to the contributions of STS
Title:Ser o no ser [Cyborg] tecnología y cultura: de la tradición prometeica a la tradición fáustica / To be or not to be [CYBORG] technology and culture: from the promethean tradition to the faustian tradition