Title:Dialogical ethics, a pedagogical interface that contributes to the construction of a culture of peace in Colombia / La ética dialógica, una interfaz pedagógica que aporta a la construcción de una cultura de paz en Colombia / Ética dialógica: uma interface pedagógica que contribui para construir uma cultura de paz na Colômbia
Title:Una paz insostenible: abusos y embrollos discursivos en el uso del término “sostenible” aplicado a la idea de desarrollo / An Unsustainable Peace: Abuses and Discursive Muddles in the Use of the Expres-sion “Sustainable” as Applied to the Idea of Development
Title:Relationship between soil physicochemical characteristics and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in agricultural soils of the Atlántico department, Colombia
Title:Dialéctica negativa y sufrimiento en la filosofía moral de Theodor W. Adorno / Negative Dialectics and Suffering in Theodor W. Adorno’s Moral Philosophy
Title:El papel de la justicia social como interviniente en la paz judía: la tsedaqá / The Role of Social Justice as an Intervener in Jewish Peace: The Tsedaqá
Title:La contribución de las instituciones a los procesos de memoria y paz en Colombia / The contribution of the institutions to memory and peace processes in Colombia
Title:Contrast transfer characteristics of the light sword optical element designed for presbyopia compensations / Journal of the European Optical Society