Title:Analysis and modeling of simulated residual stress of mold injected plastic parts by using robust correlations [Análisis y modelamiento de simulaciones de esfuerzos residuales en piezas plásticas inyectadas empleando correlaciones robustas] / Revista Materia
Title:A dynamical model of an aeration plant for wastewater treatment using a phenomenological based semi-physical modeling methodology / Computers and Chemical Engineering
Title:Design and construction of a thin-film drying channel equipment - Modeling the drying kinetics of nanofiltered whey / Journal of Food Engineering
Title:Population balance for capillary limit modeling in a screen mesh wick heat pipe working with nanofluids / International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Title:System dynamics modeling for pig breeding market behavior prediction [Modelo de dinámica de sistemas para la predicción del comportamiento del mercado porcícola] / Informacion Tecnologica
Title:An exact MINLP model for optimal location and sizing of DGs in distribution networks: A general algebraic modeling system approach / Ain Shams Engineering Journal