Title:El número como cantidad física y concreta, un obstáculo en el aprendizaje de los números enteros = The number as a physical and concrete quantity, an obstacle in the learning of whole numbers. / The number as a physical and concrete quantity, an obstacle in the learning of whole numbers
Title:La formación de la competencia digital en los docentes = Digital competency preparation in teachers. / Digital competency preparation in teachers
Title:Validación y adaptación española de la escala Shell de evaluación del inicio de la escritura en 4 y 5 años = Validation and Spanish adaptation of the Shell scale to evaluate emergent writing skills for children aged 4 and 5 / Ma. Dolores Gil-Llario, Roberta Ceccato & Ma. Isabel Marí-Sanmillán. / Validation and Spanish adaptation of the Shell scale to evaluate emergent writing skills for children aged 4 and 5.