Title:Clasificación multilingüe de documentos utilizando machine learning y la Wikipedia / Multilingual document classification using machine learning and Wikipedia / Clasificación plurilingüe de documentos utilizando machine learning e a Wikipedia
Title:Estudio comparativo de las modalidades E-learning y B-learning en los empleados de nuevo ingreso a la organización en el curso de inducción corporativa
Title:Pedagogical games as a resource to develop speaking production in the english language / Design of a handbook that implements pedagogical games in the learning process to strengthen the communicative competences and stimulate the english learning in the tudents of 8th grade of the Unidad Educativa fiscal Veintiocho de Mayo
Title:Handbook of Research on Driving STEM Learning With Educational Technologies / Reseña: Handbook of Research on Driving STEM Learning With Educational Technologies
Title:Influence of the learning of vocabulary in the fluency of the english language speaking / Development of a supporting booklet focused on the learning of vocabulary