Title:M-learning en el método de enseñanza - aprendizaje de la matemática de los estudiantes de octavo año de educación básico del colegio José María Egas en la ciudad de Guayaquil, periodo 2016-2017. / Diseño de una aplicación móvil educativa para la asignatura de matemática.
Title:Improve English language learning in elementary students / Design of the brochure with strategic educational vocabulary for primary school students Carlos Alberto Flores School
Title:Incidence of the bottom up model of reading in the development of reading comprehension / Design a booklet with reading activities using bottom up reading model. Skills in english
Title:Influence of the ludic strategies in the development of the reading skill in the english language / Didactic guide with ludic strategies to develop the reading skill.
Title:Influence of dialogues for the improvement of the oral fluency in students of eighth year at Escuela Fiscal Manuel Cordova Galarza / Design of a didactic guide with dialogues to improve the oral fluency
Title:Influence of vocabulary in the development of oral expression / Design of a booklet with useful vocabulary in order to develop the oral production