Title:Strategies of motivation in the teaching – learning process of the english language / Design of a didactic guide with strategies of motivation in the teaching-learning process of the english language in students of 2nd year of Bachillerato at Unidad Educativa Numa Pompilio Llona
Title:Analysis of learning and teaching of the english language for 8th grade students from the 24 de Mayo / Design ludic activities suitable to the teaching- learning process
Title:Pedagogical games as a resource to develop speaking production in the english language / Design of a handbook that implements pedagogical games in the learning process to strengthen the communicative competences and stimulate the english learning in the tudents of 8th grade of the Unidad Educativa fiscal Veintiocho de Mayo
Title:How to strengthen the interest of the literary english learning through literary selections / Design a pamphlet with motivating techniques in order to strength interest in learning
Title:Influence of the learning of vocabulary in the fluency of the english language speaking / Development of a supporting booklet focused on the learning of vocabulary
Title:To improve the pronunciation of basic english to students of the 7th grade of Public School República de Francia / Design and implement a guide with vocabulary games to reinforce the language learning
Title:M-learning en el método de enseñanza - aprendizaje de la matemática de los estudiantes de octavo año de educación básico del colegio José María Egas en la ciudad de Guayaquil, periodo 2016-2017. / Diseño de una aplicación móvil educativa para la asignatura de matemática.
Title:Las técnicas e-learning en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes para el aprendizaje de los números reales y expresiones algebraicas. / Diseño de aula virtual