Title:Didactic resources in the teaching-learning process of basic english grammar / Design of a handbook to develop basic english grammar in the students
Title:The influence of grammar exercises in present tense in the development of the written expression / A didactic guide of varied grammatical exercises for the development of written expression
Title:Basic grammar structure in order to improve the writing skills in the students of eight year, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, zona sur, parroquia Ximena, distrito 2, Ximena 2, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, periodo lectivo 2016-2017 / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises
Title:Influence of the sentences structure in the Simple Present to improve the Linguistic competence in writing activities in teaching the English language / Design of a modern guide for the correct use of the present simple for students of eight of Basic Education Unit Technical Replica Simon Bolívar.
Title:The dual-touch interactive whiteboard as a methodological strategy in the basic english teachin / Design of a booklet with basic grammar exercises
Title:Improving the listening skill through audiovisual resources / Design of a didactic guide with audiovisual resources to improve the listening skill in students of ninth year at Unidad Educativa Dr. Teodoro Alvarado Olea