Title:La cultura participativa de docentes de formación inicial en el área de ciencias de la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas / Participatory culture initial teacher training in the area of science Faculty of Science and Education of the District University of Bogotá
Title:Effects of IPv6-IPv4 Tunnel in Jitter of voice over IPv6, measured in laboratory and over the national research and education network of Colombia “RENATA”
Title:Ludic activities (songs) / Design of a didactic guide with interactive songs to develop the listenning skills in the students of tenth year of basic education at Unidad Educativa Oswaldo Guayasamin Plublic High School
Title:Influences of didactic strategies in the development of writing skill / Design of a didactic guide with didactic strategies vocabulary to develop the writing skill in students of tenth year of basic education At Manuel Pino Public High School