Title:Neurosciences, human ethology and education: an anthropological perspective / Neurociencias, etología humana y educación: una mirada antropológica / Neurosciences, éthologie humaine et éducation: un regard anthropologique / Neurociências, etologia humana e educação: uma perspectiva antropológica
Title:Educational actions in the physical education class in light of the pedagogical orientations of the Ministry of National Education / Las acciones educativas en la clase de educación física a la luz de las orientaciones pedagógicas del MEN
Title:Análisis sistemático de los artículos publicados en la revista interamericana de educación, investigación y pedagogía (RIIEP) durante 2014 a 2019 / Systematic analysis of articles published in the Inter-American Journal of Education, Research and Pedagogy (RIIEP) during 2014-2019
Title:Systematic model of thequality physical education curriculum (CEFC). A challenge for inclusive social developement and the promotion of intercultural dialogue
Title:Conceptions around the Learning Process of English as a Foreign Language in a Group of Students from the Transversal English Course at the Faculty of Education at Santo Tomás University- CAU Bucaramanga
Title:Games that influence motivation and learning in entrepreneurial education case: Cafet / Juegos que inciden en la motivación y el aprendizaje en la educación emprendedora, caso: Cafet / Les jeux qui influencent la motivation et l'apprentissage dans l'éducationa l'entrepreneuriat affaire : Cafet / Jogos que influenciam a motivação e aprendizagem na educação empreendedora caso: refeitório
Title:Tres momentos de institucionalización de la educación de anormales en Colombia: análisis desde las políticas educativas / Three moments of institutionalization of the education of abnormal ones in Colombia: Analysis from educational policies
Title:Perceptions of CAU Cúcuta’s students regarding their EFL learning process in the undergraduate program in distance education Licenciatura en Lengua Extranjera Inglés at DUAD - Universidad Santo Tomás.