Title:The importance of education in the development of reading skills in the basic english learning in eighth year students of Huancavilca Fiscal School, zone 5, district 8, province of Guayas, canton Guayaquil, Rocafuerte Parish, Academic period 2015-2016 / Handbook focused on the implementation of educational technology with exercises aimed at developping reading skills
Title:The influence of interactive song activities in listening comprehension, for students of the tenth grade of basic education from Adolfo H Simmonds School, zone 8, third district, province of Guayas, city Guayaquil, academic year 2015 2016. / Booklet with interactive songs for developing listening skills
Title:The influence of the phonemic awareness approach for the development of the oral production in the students of eighth grade of general basic education at the technical fiscal province of bolivar high school / The design of a didactic guide with phonemic awareness activities
Title:Vocabulary in the oral language in the students of the seventh grade of basic education / Design of an ilustrative booklet with ludic vocabulary activities
Title:The influence of ludic activities to improve informational listening. / The design of a didactic guide with games that improve the informational listening of the eighth year students of basic education of the Unidad Educativa Perla del Pacifico of the province of Guayas, cantón Guayaquil
Title:The use of comparatives to promote the basic written production of students of 8th grade, basic education at Unidad Educativa Dr. Arízaga Luque / Design of a booklet as a teaching guide with methodological strategies and exercise
Title:Influencia del buen vivir - Sumak Kawsay en la calidad de la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes de 5 a 6 años de la escuela de educación básica Guadalupe Larriva de la zona 8, del distrito 5 de la parroquia Pascuales, de la ciudad de Guayaquil, del cantón Guayas. / Guía de talleres participativos para representantes legales.
Title:La influencia de las actividades lúdicas en la calidad del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los niños de 4 a 5 años de educación inicial 2 de la escuela Isabel Herrería Herrería año lectivo 2015-2016. / Diseñar una guía didáctica con enfoques de roles.
Title:Influencia del lenguaje musical en el nivel cognitivo de los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años del centro de educación inicial Cesar Andrade Cordero. / Guía didáctica.