Title:El carácter fundamentante de los valores en la educación : propuesta de un modelo axiológico de educación integral = The fundamental character of values in education: proposal of an axiological model of integral education / The fundamental character of values in education : proposal of an axiological model of integral education
Title:Contribución de la formación literaria a la educación integral : análisis del currículo básico de Educación Primaria / Contribution of literary training to integral education : analysis of the basic curriculum of Primary Education
Title:La "educación" recibida y pensada por el joven Giovanni B. Montini = "Education" received and thought by the young Giovanni B. Montini / "Education" received and thought by the young Giovanni B. Montini
Title:Origen y objeto de la pedagogía en Romano Guardini = Origin and object of pedagogical science in Romano Guardini / Origin and object of pedagogical science in Romano Guardini