Title:La escolarización de un menor en un colegio de educación especial y la supuesta vulneración de los derechos a la igualdad y a la educación : comentario a la STC 10-2014, de 27 de enero (RTC 2014, 10) = Schooling of a minor in a special education center and the alleged violation of the rights to equality and education : comment on STC no. 10-2014, of january 27 (RTC 2014, 10) / Alfonso Martínez-Carbonell López. / Schooling of a minor in a special education center and the alleged violation of the rights to equality and education : comment on STC no. 10-2014, of january 27 (RTC 2014, 10)
Title:El carácter fundamentante de los valores en la educación : propuesta de un modelo axiológico de educación integral = The fundamental character of values in education: proposal of an axiological model of integral education / The fundamental character of values in education : proposal of an axiological model of integral education
Title:Contribución de la formación literaria a la educación integral : análisis del currículo básico de Educación Primaria / Contribution of literary training to integral education : analysis of the basic curriculum of Primary Education
Title:La "educación" recibida y pensada por el joven Giovanni B. Montini = "Education" received and thought by the young Giovanni B. Montini / "Education" received and thought by the young Giovanni B. Montini
Title:Cómo alumnos de educación primaria resuelven problemas de Generalización de Patrones : una trayectoria de aprendizaje = How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory / Alberto Zapatera Llinares. / How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory
Title:Water habits and hygiene education to prevent diarrhoeal diseases: the Zambezi River basin in Mozambique / Francisco González-Gómez, Enrique Lluch-Frechina and Jorge Guardiola.
Title:Mission, vision and values for a positive education / [trabajo de fin de grado presentado por] Giulia Beatrice Moccia ; tutora, Francisca Torres. / Grado en Educación Infantil 2013-2014 (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera)