Title:Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad en el departamento de educación – Corporación Educativa del Prado Comfamiliar Atlántico, considerando las normas NTC 5555, NTC 5580, NTC 5581 y la ISO 9001. / Design of the quality management system in the education department - Educational Corporation of the Atlantic Comfamiliar Meadow, considering the norms NTC 5555, NTC 5580, NTC 5581 and ISO 9001.
Title:From bookstores to digital era : how and why the information-seeking behavior is changing in education and which are the main factors that cause those changes and its impacts and challenges on the future of this business
Title:Retos educativos en el desarrollo local : percepción educativa de alumnado, familias y agentes sociales en la comarca de Verín / Educational challenges in local develepment : ideas on education of students, their families and social agentes in the Region of Verin. / Retos educativos no desenvolvemento local : percepción educativa de alumnado, familias e axentes sociais na Bisbarra de Verín