Title:The influence of ludic activities in the development of oral skills, for the implemetation of a didactic guide, that will improve and increase oral production / Design of a didactic guide with ludic activities in order to improve the oral production in students of eighth year of general basic education at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Ann Sullivan in the School year 2016 - 2017
Title:Improving the writing skill through basic grammar structure / Design of a booklet with grammar structure exercises and activities in order to improve the writing skill in students of tenth year of basic education at Unidad Educativa Republica de Francia
Title:Techniques to develop the speaking skill in english learning / Design of a guide to develop the speaking skill for the eighth basic grade at Mercedes Moreno Irigoyen Public School
Title:The importance of teaching active vocabulary to improve the production of speaking / Elaboration of an audiovisual didactic guide with vocabulary applied to students’ environment
Title:The influence that the correct use of basic vocabulary has in the development of reading skill / Design of a didactic guide with basic vocabulary in order to develop the reading skill in students of tenth year at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Nocturna Alonso Veloz Malta
Title:The Incidence of Motivation in Reading Comprehension / Design a motivational reading guide to increase students’ engagement and motivation for reading comprehension development
Title:Importance of the didactic factors in the phonetic elements of the oral expression / Design of a didactic guide with specific material focused on didactic factors for the reinforcement of the phonetic elements in the oral expression