Title:Strengthen the Reading skills through Bible Stories and speaking activities / Elaboration of a workbook with Bible Stories to Strengthen the Reading Skills of the students of 4th Basic year at Fundación Es Justo y Necesario
Title:Grouping techniques to improve the acquisition of vocabulary / design of a booklet with basic vocabulary for students of eighth basic year At Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, Periodo Lectivo 2015 - 2016
Title:The motivational techniques in the development of the writing skills / Design a guide with ludic activities based on motivatinal techniques to improve writing skills
Title:Diseño de un Plan Estratégico para el desarrollo turístico de la Bioregión de Chazojuan en el Subtrópico del Cantón Guaranda de la Provincia de Bolívar para el año 2013 -2018