Title:Potenciar la lectura desde la farmacia comunitaria en personas mayores para protegerlos del deterioro cognitivo = Encourage reading in older people to protect them from community pharmacie from cognitive dysfunction / Encourage reading in older people to protect them from community pharmacie from cognitive dysfunction
Title:General Practitioners' Turnover Intention and Related Factors in Pudong New Area,Shanghai during the Implementation of the "Eight Incentive Policies":a Cross-sectional Survey
Title:Pour une approche interculturelle sociobiographique en didactique des langues : expérimentation d'un dispositif réflexif et dialogique : la Discussion a¿ Visée Philosophique (DVP)
Title:Conocimientos, creencias y actitudes de la población gitana ante el cribado del cáncer colorrectal = Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of the Roma population regarding colorectal cancer screening / María Carmen Santiago Portero ... et al. / Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of the Roma population regarding colorectal cancer screening
Title:El conocimiento matemático y la mirada profesional de estudiantes para maestro en el contexto de la generalización de patrones : caracterización de perfiles = Mathematical knowledge and professional noticing of prospective teachers in the context of pattern generalization : characterization of profiles / Alberto Zapatera Llinares y María Luz Callejo de la Vega. / Mathematical knowledge and professional noticing of prospective teachers in the context of pattern generalization : characterization of profiles
Title:Cómo futuros maestros proponen acciones de mejora al analizar respuestas de alumnos de primaria a problemas de generalización de patrones = How future teachers propose improvement actions when analyzing responses from primary students to problems of patterns generalization / Alberto Zapatera Llinares. / How future teachers propose improvement actions when analyzing responses from primary students to problems of patterns generalization
Title:Biológicas de Valencia : IV Promoción : recuerdos no aptos para botánicos = Biology in Valencia : IV Promotion : memories not suitable for botanists / Biology in Valencia : IV Promotion : memories not suitable for botanists