Title:¿Cuantificación de aeroalérgenos polínicos o recuentos de granos de polen? / Airborne pollen allergen quantification or pollen grain counts? / Quantificação de alergénicos polínicos ou contagem de grãos de pólen?
Title:Experimental study on the performance of a mechanical cooling tower fitted with different types of water distribution systems and drift eliminators.
Title:Prácticas de recursos humanos y rendimiento empresarial: explorando el modelo AMO en las PYME españolas / Human resources practices and firm performance: exploring the AMO Model in Spanish SMEs
Title:El estado del proceso administrativo de la microempresa en el sur del Istmo de Tehuantepec, México / The state of the management process of microenterprises in the south Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico