Title:Contribution à l’étude de la ˁUmdat aṭ-ṭabīb d’Abulḫayr Al-Išbīlī: Commentaires à propos de quelques items et propositions d’élucidation / Contribution to the study of the ˁUmdat
aṭ-ṭabīb by Abulkhayr Al-Ishbīlī: Comments about some
items and suggestions for clarification
Title:Patriotismo por comparación: estereotipos sobre España en las Characteristical Views de John Andrews (1808) / Patriotism by comparison: stereotypes about Spain in John Andrew’s Characteristical Views (1808)
Title:Walter Scott’s Vision of Don Roderick (1811): a «Drum and Trumpet Performance»? / La visión de Don Rodrigo (1811) de Walter Scott: ¿una «faena de tambor y trompeta»?