Title:Tratamientos estadísticos para datos faltantes: Caso aplicado a un estudio de métodos y tiempos en la empresa Madeflex S.A / Statistical treatments for missing data: Case applied to a study of methods and times in Madeflex S,A company
Title:Graphic organizers to generate ideas in the development of the written production / Design of a booklet with exercises focused on the use of graphic organizers to improve the written production
Title:Influence of the role-play technique on the english language oral production / Design of an educational guide focused on role-play activities for the oral production development
Title:The influence of the prewriting strategies on the development of the written production / Design a system of activities for the improvement of the written production
Title:The use of pre-writing graphic organizers for the development of written production / System of activities based on pre-writing graphic organizers
Title:Current status of the swine production industry in the Department of Quindío regarding the process of adoption of IFRS for SMEs / Estado actual del sector porcícola del departamento del Quindío en el proceso de adopción de la NIIF para pymes / Estado atual do setor suinícola do departamento de Quindío no processo de adoção da NIIF para PME