Title:Documenting indigenous students’ social representations about their english learning process in an english language teaching education program (ELTEP) of a public university
Title:TEACHING CONCEPT OF ENERGY THROUGH CONSERVATION AND NON-CONSERVATION PROCESSES IN MECHANICS / Enseñanza del concepto de energía por medio de los procesos de conservación y no conservación en mecánica
Title:Enseñando adición y sustracción a partir del método para el aprendizaje natural de las matemáticas y la granja de Don Juan / TEACHING ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION BASED ON THE METHOD FOR THE NATURAL LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS AND THE DON JUAN FARM
Title:El experimento del efecto fotoeléctrico para la comprensión del concepto de cuantización de la energía de la radiación / Photoelectric effect experiment for understanding the concept of quantization of Radiation energy
Title:Contexto en la enseñanza de las ciencias: análisis al contexto en la enseñanza de la física / Context in science education: analysis of the context in teaching of physics
Title:A integração curricular na concepção dos docentes do curso técnico em agropecuária integrado ao ensino médio / CURRICULUM INTEGRATION IN THE CONCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS OF THE AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL COURSE ARTICULATED TO HIGH SCHOOL
Title:Aprendizagem baseada em projetos e formação de professores: uma possibilidade de articulação entre as dimensões estratégica, humana e sócio-política da didática / Learning based on projects and teachers education: an articulation possibility between strategy, human and socio politics dimensions of didactic
Title:La epopeya secreta de Gitoma: narración, territorio y conflicto en la Amazonia, del diglo XIX a la actualidad / The secret epic story of Giman: narratives, territory and conflict in the Amazon: from 12th century to the present