Title:Application of basic grammar structure in the development of writing skills / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises to develop the writing skills
Title:La didáctica en el desarrollo de la comprensión y expresión del lenguaje oral. / Estrategias metodológicas en el desarrollo del lenguaje en niños de 4 a 5 años.
Title:Influence of the learning of vocabulary in the fluency of the english language speaking / Development of a supporting booklet focused on the learning of vocabulary
Title:Strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions / Design to booklet with strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions in students of eighth course at “Vicente Rocafuerte” High School.
Title:Incidence of vocabulary learning strategies to the development of the reading comprehension / Design of a didactic booklet with vocabulary activities to the development of the reading comprehension
Title:The incidence of essential vocabulary in the development of speaking on 8th grade students At Vergeles School during the year 2017 - 2018 / Design of an essential vocabulary guide with the use of conversation exercises for students of the 8th grade of elementary education from Vergeles School