Title:Aprendizagem baseada em projetos e formação de professores: uma possibilidade de articulação entre as dimensões estratégica, humana e sócio-política da didática / Learning based on projects and teachers education: an articulation possibility between strategy, human and socio politics dimensions of didactic
Title:Integridad estructural de tuberías de transporte de hidrocarburos: panorama actual / Structural integrity of hydrocarbon transport pipelines: current panorama
Title:Diseño de un sistema de cómputo para obtener datos de una estación meteorológica y monitoreo de diferentes variables desde una aplicación web modular / Design of a computing system to obtain data from a weather station and monitoring of different variables from a modular web application
Title:Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions that influence the deterioration and protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage