Title:Determinación de cambios de distribución de especies por efectos del cambio climático en el Parque Municipal Natural Campo Alegre y Parque Regional Natural Ucumarí en Risaralda Colombia / Determination of changes in the distribution of species for the effects of climate change in the Natural Municipal Park Campo Alegre and Natural Regional Park Ucumarí in Risaralda Colombia
Title:Modelación hidrológica e hidráulica del río Magdalena y sus afluentes en el casco urbano de la ciudad de Neiva mediante el uso de herramientas SIG / Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of the Magdalena River and its tributaries in the urban area of the city of Neiva using GIS tools
Title:A geometria nas aritméticas editadas para as escolas paroquiais luteranas do século xx no rio grande do sul, brasil / THE GEOMETRY ON ARITHMETICS EDITED FOR LUTHERAN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS OF 20th CENTURY IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL
Title:A geometria nas aritméticas editadas para as escolas paroquiais luteranas do século xx no rio grande do sul, brasil / THE GEOMETRY ON ARITHMETICS EDITED FOR LUTHERAN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS OF 20th CENTURY IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL