Title:Corporate social responsibility and Chinese oil multinationals in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria: An appraisal / Responsabilidade social empresarial e multinacionais chinesas do petróleo na indústria de petróleo e gás da Nigéria: Uma avaliação
Title:A study of business models for Interfileiras: an account of the current situation and suggestion of an alternative model using Osterwalder’s business model canvas
Title:The environment in the process of differentiation of new social fractions in depopulated areas of Spain: key environmental considerations in the way from big cities to extreme rural areas
Title:Lay perceptions of health and environment inequalities and its associations to mental health / Percepciones laicas sobre las desigualdades enla salud y medioambiente y su relación con la salud mental / Percepções leigas sobre as desigualdades na saúde e no ambiente e suas associações com a saúde mental