Title:The Sociology of Creativity: A Sociological Systems Framework to Identify and Explain Social Mechanisms of Creativity and Innovative Developments
Title:Escuela y Familia: Los Actores del Proceso Educativo en el Contexto de la Crisis Escolar Actual / School And Family: Stakeholders in the Education Process in the Context of Current School Crises
Title:El Juego y El Arte: Una Experiencia Sensible hacia una Educación para la Primera Infancia / The Game and The Art: A Sensible Experience towards an Early Childhood Education
Title:Prevalencia del bullying relacional en agresores, agredidos y observadores en adolescentes escolarizados del municipio de Melgar – Tolima / Prevalence of interpersonal bullying related to agressors, victims and observers among scholar aged adolescents in Melgar, Tolima.