Title:A presença do lúdico no ensino dos modelos atômicos e sua contribuição no processo de ensino aprendizagem / The presence of ludic on teaching process of atomic models and its contribution on teaching-learning process
Title:A integração curricular na concepção dos docentes do curso técnico em agropecuária integrado ao ensino médio / CURRICULUM INTEGRATION IN THE CONCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS OF THE AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL COURSE ARTICULATED TO HIGH SCHOOL
Title:Síndrome de Burnout en profesores y su relación con el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de básica primaria de una institución educativa oficial de Sincelejo (Colombia), 2016 / Burnout syndrome in teachers and its relation with the learning of primary students of an official educational institution of Sincelejo (Colombia), 2016
Title:Asociación entre las teorías implícitas sobre la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la acción de problematizar / Association between the implicit theories on teaching and learning, and the act of problematizing
Title:Enseñanza de las matemáticas a estudiantes con discapacidad visual del Colegio José Félix Restrepo I.E.D. / Teaching of mathematics to students with visual disabilities at the José Félix Restrepo School I.E.D.